Hagen Bikes Support Page

Dear Hagen bikes owners,

We are sorry to announce that Hagen Bikes has filed for insolvency. As passionate cyclists, we want to pass on our knowledge to help you keep the bikes running for as long as possible. We are forever grateful for purchasing one of our bikes, your feedback is what kept us going and growing.

Support contacts:

Brose service partners:

Messingschlager e-mobility for any motor and battery related issues:

Enviolo support:

Shimano service centres:

Parts and dimensions information about the bikes:

For anyone that needs to remove the motor covers:

If you ever swap the plastic covers of the motor, a little modification is needed:

Standard yellow chart code: RAL1023 with added metallic clear coat.

For anyone that is perhaps repainting their frame and would like to upgrade the frame in the process, the upgrades to frame design for added stiffness include the following:



This thread will not be managed by anyone from the previous Hagen Bikes team. Please do not expect any communication. We rather wish to leave you with as much knowledge as we can, and unite the owners to best troubleshoot issues that may arise.

Much love many happy rides!
Sorry to hear your insolvency and thank you for sharing this information.
I was wondering whether you are able provide us some information of producers of Hagen's Accesories? I would be interested to buy another seat and maybe a canopy for a flagship.
Hello, @hagenbikes thanks for the information! Would you be willing to share the CAD model or FE simulation results of the Hagenbike frame? As we experienced cracks also in the front part of the frame, we'd like to verify supports there as well.
Nein, Schottbleche waren keine drin, die Risse vorne gingen von einer Seite des Knicks zur anderen, mit Schottblech wär das so nicht passiert. Hätte denk auch mit Schottblech noch Knotenbleche auf der Unterseite gebraucht an der Stelle.
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As we still have some new Hagenbike frames and clients with broken frames without the supports, we'd love to still reinforce them so they can get put to good use. With a verification via FE simulation we could also make the dxf files/drawings available for free and safely for all who need reinforcements on their frame.
Naja die Rechte bleiben ja bestehen trotz Teilen der Daten... ich könnte den Rahmen auch anhand der bikes die wir dahaben grob nachzeichnen für die Simulation, aber der Arbeitsaufwand wäre halt geringer.
Naja die Rechte bleiben ja bestehen trotz Teilen der Daten... ich könnte den Rahmen auch anhand der bikes die wir dahaben grob nachzeichnen für die Simulation, aber der Arbeitsaufwand wäre halt geringer.
Versuch ihnen das doch mit einer NDA deinerseits anzubieten.
Ansonsten wird dir sehr wahrscheinlich niemand die kompletten CAD Daten zur verfügung stellen.
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